Waxing FAQ’s

Why wax? -  People choose to wax for many different reasons. Sometimes it can be for personal reasons, to enhance muscle definition, bad reactions to shaving, better hygiene or just because you like to feel and look nice and smooth, the list goes on. Most people find that once they’ve waxed they never want to go back to shaving as it lasts for so much longer - up to 6 weeks for some!

Do men really get waxed?
Male waxing has grown in popularity in recent years as men are taking more interest in their appearance and personal grooming and not just on their torsos, facial waxing such as ears, eyebrows and nostrils (not surprisingly this does not hurt at all!) are really popular and gives a neatly groomed appearance.

Is there any reason why I will not be able to be waxed?
Any contagious skin conditions or diseases must be cleared up before your visit. If you are using Roaccutane or any steroid treatment you must wait for at least 6 months after you have finished your treatment. We cannot remove hair from areas that have been treated with steroid cream Retin-A, Differin or other retinoid acne products within the last 3 months. If in doubt. please contact your gp.

Is waxing painful?
To be honest you will experience some brief discomfort initially - as we are ripping hairs from the root after all!. generally, subsequent waxing sessions will become easier as there will be less hair to remove and the hair follicle will be weakened with time. Many people mention that the experience isn’t as bad as they anticipated.

I have bad experiences before with waxing, how will I know that this wont be the case with you?
You can rest assured that you are in the hands of an experienced waxing professional. I’m great at what i do!

Having trained with some of the best in the business, learning correct techniques so as not to bruise or tear the skin combined with using only the best products means that your waxing experience will be the best it possibly can be.

I have my period, can I still be waxed?
This is personal choice and up to you. As long as you come to your appointment fresh and wearing a tampon we are happy to wax you, however you may find you are a little more sensitive during this time.

Can you be waxed whilst pregnant?
Any waxing including Brazilian and Hollywood waxing during your pregnancy is perfectly normal and is not harmful to you or your baby.

How long does my hair need to be ?
A minimum of 1cm – or make your appointment 3 weeks after your last shave.

How long will my wax last for?
Every person is different - usually between 3 and 6 weeks. Initially, it may take a few waxing sessions to keep hair free for this period due to the bodies hair growth cycle. For best results we recommend regular waxing appointments every 4 weeks. You may notice when you have been waxing for a while that hair takes much longer to grow back and is sporadic in growth areas.

Will I get any reactions?
Some areas can break out after waxing - commonly the back and chest and bikini areas.  If you tend to break out when shaving you may find you may have a reaction initially to waxing. Please find below advice on post treatment skin care to minimise reactions. Usually the more you wax the less the reaction tends to be. Please do not be alarmed if your skin becomes raised with red bumps. It is a perfectly normal histamine reaction and can last for up to 24 hours after waxing, during this time please adhere to the following advice:-

  • Do not apply perfumed products, make up, alcohol or deodorants to the waxed area.

  • Take only warm showers avoid anything too hot as the skin may be sensitive to heat.

  • Please do not use any sunbeds, apply fake tan or sunbathe .

  • Avoid repeatedly  touching the waxed area as you can easily transfer bacteria which may result in spots and break outs.

  • No saunas or hot tubs or anything that may add heat to your skin.

  • avoid chlorinated swimming pools.

  • Try to wear loose clothing.

  • If intimate waxing please avoid any sexual activity for 24 hours after your wax.

Before your appointment
Please try and come to your appointment fresh and clean. Wipes can be provided if necessary.

Gentlemen - with respect, any inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances. You will be asked to leave the premises immediately and subsequent action will be taken.

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