Hopi Ear Candle

Thermal Auricaluar Therapy…


Hopi Ear Candling or thermal auricular therapy, is a  relaxing, gentle and non invasive treatment which can be beneficial in easing pain or discomfort.

What is it good for?

Users of Hopi ear candles have reported success in treating balance and inner ear problems, build up of wax, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, hearing difficulties and sinus problems as well as colds, ‘flu, sore throats, stress, headaches and migraines,snoring, Allergic Rhinitis, Glue Ear,Headaches and Migraines, Neuralgia, Bells Palsy, Menieres Disease, Swimmers ear, Flying problems, Loss of smell, Labyrinthitis. The treatment is suitable for children and is a good alternative for people who have found syringing uncomfortable.

What are the benefits?

Many clients find the treatment relaxing. As well as the relieved feeling that comes from reduced pressure in the ears and sinuses, clients may experience a general calming effect.

Using Biosun candles which are made out of 100% pure beeswax, honey extracts, Sage, St Johns Wort, Chamomile, Vitamin A and pesticide free woven cotton, you will enjoy a deeply relaxing experience lasting approximately 1 hour. Each treatment consists of a biosun candle treatment in each ear following by a  facial massage including pressure point and lymphatic drainage movements to help relax you,eliminate toxins,drain the sinus tubes and stimulate energy points and increase the circulation of blood and lymph.


Hopi Ear Candle Treatment £35

Please note that if you suffer from any of the following conditions that it is NOT advisable to use the ear candles:

  • Perforated ear drum

  • Grommets

  • Inflammation of the outer ear eg Psoriasis or eczema

  • Allergy to any of the candles ingredients

  • Under specific medical supervision or on a course of antibiotics

  • In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

  • Severe neck problems

  • If a cochlear implant has been fitted