Waxing For Her…


Looking for longer lasting hair removal? Waxing may be your answer. Here at Perfect Touch Beauty we specialise in female waxing and especially intimate waxing  This means that we will make your waxing experience as comfortable and relaxed as possible and you can be confident that you are in the hands of an experienced and knowledgeable waxing professional. Rest assured that your experience will be discreet,hygienic, clean and safe. We  can wax everything from your head to your toe as you will see from the treatment menu. Our most popular treatments are leg, underarm, eyebrow, bikini and Brazilian waxing.

We always use what we believe to be the highest quality wax on the market today.
We will always advise you on your post wax aftercare regime.

Please note hair must be at least 1cm long or 3 weeks growth from your last shave.

Any questions, please take a look at our FAQ page or give us a call for a friendly informal chat.